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Turcotte Interiors applies classic interior design

principles with color theory in the creation of beautiful and functional interiors.

For more than 20 years, Turcotte Interiors has developed exceptional environments

for residential, commercial and liturgical clients throughout California.  


We believe every design project is an opportunity to help clients discover how

their environment can bring comfort and joy to their lives. We relish the opportunity

to educate clients about color and how it is fundamental to each and every design.

With a greater understanding of color basics, each client becomes better able to help articulate and describe the environment that will best meet their goals and objectives.

We have a passion for producing interior design that delights clients, complements

existing architectural style and reflects individual personalities.



Residential Sitting Room
Kitchen Dining Counter
St. Boniface Rectory Seating

philosophy and clients

We have a passion for transforming spaces to environments that work to meet individual client needs. Achieving this requires active listening, collaboration and education.

The cornerstone of our success is the ability to listen to and understand our clients’

needs and visions for their environments.  We hear what they say, understand what

they like and how they describe what they want from their space.  This is the basis for everything else we do – irrespective of the size or breadth of the project.

We listen. We plan. We design. We deliver.

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